NESTLER 5th plenary meeting in Cyprus

The meeting hosted by EBOS, in Cyprus.

NESTLER 1st Advisory Board Meeting

The meeting was conducted online on March 5, 2025.

First One-Health Agri-Tech Workshop: Exploring Smart Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Upcoming Workshop in Athens, May 2025.

NESTLER at Zootechnia 2025

Zootechnia 2025 took place from January 30 to February 2, 2025.

Wild Animal Recognition Video Dataset Released

The dataset contains video recordings of four animal species.

Replacement of Fishmeal with Black Soldier Fly Larvae Enhances the Growth Performance of Nile Tilapia.

NESTLER published a study.

NESTLER Presents Two Papers at the 2nd IEEE Conference on Agrifood Electronics (CAFÉ 2024)

The event was held from 26-28 September, 2024.

Farmers’ Training on Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae Farming

A total of 30 farmers took part in this training session.

NESTLER was showcased in Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) General Assembly

The project was showcased in the 2nd day poster session.

NESTLER 4th plenary meeting in London

The fourth plenary meeting hosted by UCL, in London.

NESTLER presented at the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) summit 2024

The event was held on the 7th- 9th of May, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Implementation of the pilot based on smart agriculture of tomato using organic fertilizers and IoT devices as part of the Nestler Project (Part 1)

The implementation of the NESTLER pilot in Cameroon.

NESTLER presented at the 1st Automation & Robotics expo in Athens, Greece

Synelixis presented NESTLER on the 12nd -14th April 2024.

The project coordinator visited the pilots in Kenya

The project coordinator visited the site of the NESTLER pilots in Kenya.

The project coordinator visited the pilots in Rwanda

The project coordinator visited the NESTLER pilots in Rwanda.

SynField and SynWater installation in Nkungu, Rwanda

SynField and SynWater installed at the second trial P.RWA.2 in Rwanda.

SynField smart agriculture systems installed in Nigeria

SynField installed in Nigeria to capture crucial environmental data.

SynField and SynAir installed in Rwanda

SynField and SynAir installed in Rwanda to monitor and record the environmental conditions.

SynField smart agriculture system installed in Kenya

SynField installed in Kenya to monitor and record the environmental conditions.

SynField installed in Uganda

SynField installed in Uganda to monitor the environmental and weather conditions prevailing in the area.

The 2nd Stakeholders group meeting of NESTLER

The 2nd Stakeholder group meeting of the NESTLER project was held online, on the 6th of March 2024.

SynField and SynAir installed in Ethiopia

SynField precision farming equipment installed in Ethiopia.

SynField and SynWater installed in Ethiopia

SynField and SynWater precision farming systems installed in Ethiopia.

Workshop on Exploration of Antimicrobial Compounds from Edible Insects and Chicken parts for Applications in Food and Industry.

The conference was held on the 28–29 February 2024.

NESTLER was presented at the International Exhibition Agrotica 2024

The NESTLER project was presented by Synelixis at AGROTICA 2024.

NESTLER Project Update: Integration meeting

On the 30th of November and 1st of December, partners of T3.5 from eBOS, Rinisoft and UCL held an integration meeting, hosted by eBOS in Nicosia, Cyprus. The first day was dedicated to the integration and testing of the different components and …

RiniSoft has started monitoring chickens at its newly opened biolab in Sliven

RiniSoft has started monitoring chickens at its newly opened biolab in Sliven, Bulgaria. This will help to fulfil the objectives of the NESTLER project on algorithm development for Early Detection and Warning of Chicken Diseases. In the first stage, the …

The NESTLER project was presented at the 2nd Phytopathology Conference, in Cameroon

The NESTLER project was presented at the 2nd Phytopathology Conference. The 2nd Phytopathology Conference: Protection of cultivated and forest plants, food security and agricultural entrepreneurship was held in Yaounde, Cameroon, on the 26th and 27th of October 2023. The conference …

New SynField installation in Ibadan

A new SynField installation took place in Africa. The precision agriculture system was placed in Ibadan, Nigeria, in order to monitor and record prevailing in the area. The SynField head node is equipped with various sensors to measure key environmental …


During the 3rd plenary meeting of NESTLER in Kenya, the partners of the consortium visited the project pilot in Nairobi, on the 26th  of September 2023. The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) is the lead partner regarding …

NESTLER Workshop

The NESTLER project aims to build consensus among the stakeholders towards the formalization and scope of investigation within the project. Therefore, the project organized the workshop: ‘’Impact of NESTLER technologies and digital tools in One Health Sustainability’’ that was held …

The 3rd plenary meeting of NESTLER

After almost a year since the project’s kick off, the partners have gathered to address project related issues in a two-day hybrid meeting. The meeting hosted by ICIPE, in Nairobi, Kenya on September 25th and 26th  of 2023. As the …

NESTLER presented at the INSECTA 2023 International Conference

The event was held on the 13th and 14th September 2023, in Magdeburg, Germany.

SynField installation in Nigeria

In collaboration with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the University College of London (UCL), the first SynField smart agriculture system was installed in Ibadan, Nigeria. SynField, developed by Synelixis, offers remote monitoring of the environmental and soil …

CEO participated in the Climate Insurance Solutions for Agricultural Risks (CISAR) Symposium

The event was held on the 7th and 8th of May, 2023 in Germany.

Ethiopian Food System Resilience Program (EFSRP)

Three members of the NESTLER team at EIAR have participated in the launching workshop of the project.

The 1st Stakeholders Group meeting of NESTLER

The 1st Stakeholder group meeting of the NESTLER project was held online, on the 13th of March 2023. Stakeholders/Field Experts were invited as they play an important role in the success of our project. Their opinion and feedback are valuable and …

The 2nd plenary meeting of NESTLER 

The 2nd plenary meeting of the NESTLER project was held at Synelixis premises in Athens, on the 15th and 16th of February 2023. The Consortium reviewed the progress of the project against the set objectives on all Work Packages. The members …

Agrotica 2022

After the successful Kick-off Meeting in Athens, the NESTLER project was represented by Synelixis in the 29th International Fair for Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Agrotica 2022, which took place from the 20th to the 23rd of October in the …

NESTLER Kick off Meeting

The kick-off meeting of the NESTLER project was hosted in Athens, on the 11th and 12th of October 2022.  Synelixis, as the Project Coordinator and the Technical Coordinator of the consortium, welcomed the partners at its premises in Athens.  NESTLER …