The second SynField installation in Rwanda took place in Nkungu Aquaculture and Fisheries Research site, at the location of the second trial P.RWA.2 of the NESTLER pilot. The SynField systems comprises of 2 SynField X3 head nodes and 2 SynWater nodes. These devices are equipped with sensors to monitor and record prevailing environmental conditions in an aquaculture feeding facility. The SynWater devices measure and monitor critical water quality characteristics such as water temperature, water pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), electric conductivity (EC) and oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Monitoring the quality of water is essential for optimizing production practices and ensuring the well-being of aquatic organisms in aquaculture. A continuous assessment of key parameters enables aquaculture producers to proactively identify potential environmental stressors, allowing for timely interventions to mitigate adverse impacts on productivity and animal health. responsible and resilient aquaculture systems.

SynField X3 and SynWater (left) – SynControl app for data collection at P.RWA.2 (right)
Installation of SynField Equipment at P.RWA.2. at Nkungu Aquaculture Research Centre (Nile Tilapia)
SynField and SynWater devices installed at P.RWA.2.
The NESTLER pilot in Rwanda